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[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

mo, there were no planes on 911 at all, they just used explosives and a technique called video overlay to photoshop planes on video footage. no planes, no hijackers, just controlled demolition. clean and simple.

that's why they didn't scramble any fighter jets, the pilots in those would see the truth - that there are no hijacked planes..

We know, two things in this psyop, September Clues tells us some aspects of teh fakery but can they be trusted. They in totality expose the fake shootings, whereas the alternative news does not, because they are a controleld opposition.

There's two options, the planes were drones or no planes at all. We know they were rigging the percise locations where the planes made contacts with the facade. We now, almost EVERY video and raw footage of the event showing the planes happened to work in hollywood, riddle me that. one of which worked for the military in intelligence. We know that they said phone calls were called on the planes, it was 12, then 10, then 2 and now 1. But under 5,000'. But all the family members say they got teh cell number, at least 12 of them. But then we have crisis actors playing mock family members shilling for war and laughing on tv the day of their sons and daughters allegedly died on the flights. It seems to be a production of some sort.

IF THEY were fake, the planes, and eveyrone who saw then, were manipualted into believing they saw them via perception management over news telling them planes hit the towers, then what about the phonce calls and the family members. Operation Northwoods gives us a hint, they are ALL, yes, ALL actors. Everyone, who signed non-disclosure agreements, and this has been exposed by many researchers.

So, did drones hit the towers or no drones at all is the question.