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[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

(Part 1)

Hey /u/magnora7

You know my viewpoint on Trump, the state, the media, the NWO, and the alleged conflict between unipolarism and multilateralism but I thought I'd try to explain it in more detail.

Your link suggests that the so-called deep state, most likely a coined DoD term legitimizes a caricature of what is left of a working system for the benefit of the people, even if it may be a paradox. That the current state of affairs can still work for the benefit of the people, if only the so-called deep state was wrestled from its reigns of power, is nothing more than perception management. The entire state is involved from top to bottom.

Many Zerohedge articles push multilateralism, or at the very least are staunchly against unipolarism. It would be expected that unipolarism would be shunned by the international community, but at a former time unipolar imperialism was more or less used as a tool by internationalists until they decided that the prospect for America would eventually succumb to multilateralism, which has always been the real 'New World Order,' or 'New Economic Order.' Make no mistake about it, the entire international community is involved.

What is clear is that there are dozens of players advocating for an international world government or at the very least an international body above the law; above all nation-state constitutions and charters; to impose their ideology on all others. There are the globalist technocrats, the Fabian Socialists who have slowly taken over schooling through gradualism and their wolf and sheep like actions; to the neoconservatives (neotrotskyites) and neoliberals, the former being of Bolshevik Trotskyite lineage who seek to impose the ruse of democracy on middle eastern nations for the benefit of Israel, internationalism and the 'Greater Israel Project' or the latter who work closely with the neoconservatives but instead impose austerity measures on entire nations, with the hopes of balkanizing, and destabilizing them for easier exploitation and control; or the Zionist Chabad-Lubavitchers who advocate a one world Jewish theocracy ruled by the chosen people under a Sanheadrin or at the very least a world court named 'The Supreme Court of Mankind." It should be noted that the UN founders (who helped to create the state of affairs in Israel we currently see today) despite their many measures against Israel have always advocated for centralization and world government, specifically centered in Jerusalem. Both Putin and Trump have direct Chabad-Lubavitch links and are held in high regard by Israeli intelligence and the Likudniks.

So, in order to create an internationalist framework you need an institutional framework of people across the globe, people in power with wealth able to wield the global economic system in their localities on behalf of a internationalist government.

To be clear, the Rockefeller family are notorious for and admit to calling for a new economic world order. An order that will emergence from a strong BRIC alliance. This multilateral economic world order was conceived back in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, specifically in the Think Tank book, 'Prospects for America.' It is markedly similar to the ideology of Eurasianism.

Presently, this vision has thus far been materialized in the G20+, where it was before just the G7 operating the global agenda, moving from unipolar economic control from a USD global currency reserve to an all inclusive SDR base; thus a multipolar, dedolarized, economic order with the inclusion of other nations, most particularly developing BRIC nations, i.e., China, India, Brazil, Russia, Iran, etc.

The American plutocracy has been very complicit but they too wish to reap as much as possible while still having a chair of immense power in a USD global currency reserve so they've delayed IMF reforms and thus, the bypass is already underway with the BRICS development bank, an IMF counterpart that will distribute SDRs.

This is why many of the internationalists see fit to turn to a multilateral economic order with the possible exclusion but most likely inclusion of the U.S. The later agenda if it may come to fruition would be a total lose of U.S. geopolitical dominance with the setting up of a half-baked welfare state, which has been a goal of many internationalists, including the neoconservative (neotrotskyites).

Now lets talk about Trump. Trump announced Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Many take this incidence as a clear proof of a Zionist Occupied Government, but Trump actually only fulfilled his election promise to evangelic Christians, who are his main supporters.

It is Christian Zionism. They believe that when Jesus comes, America should be on the side of the God’s People. They also believe that the Jews will convert to Christianity in the end times. It may not happen so easily to people, who in the Middle Ages liked the story of Jesus boiling in hot excrement, i.e. the Talmud. It just is so that Jewish and Christian Zionists do not share the same view of what should happen after Jews are restored to Israel.

Christians would like everybody to be happy, Jews and Palestinians to live in peace and respect each other’s rights. While Christian Zionist believe that Jews are God’s People of the Bible and God has given them the Holy Land, they do not accept what has happened in Gaza and elsewhere, because it is so un-Christian. Many older Christian denominations do not have this problem, since for them Christians are the new Israel and they do not think that the state of Israel is the fulfillment of Biblical prophesies but a counterfeit.

The New Jerusalem is supposed to be a huge cube of gold and precious stones, clearly not something of this world. The Jews read it without the Christian coloring.

The Old Testament teaches of conquering the land, killing the former inhabitants, cheating and enslaving. It is not unlike what the Jewish Bolsheviks did in Russia.

As for Zionism, it originates from the Grand Orient of France and there are personal connections tying both Zionism and communism to B’nai B’rith and Anti-Defemation League (ADL).

The support of international bankers to communism, and also to Nazism, has been shown by several historians. This support has mainly come from Anglo-American and Jewish sources. As the Grand Orient of France was not active in these countries and Freemasonry is implied in this support, the lodges behind these subversive movements must have been some secret group inside regular Freemasonry.

Inner circles of Zionism with the support of international bankers seems to be the only surviving secret society that may have the role today of the NWO conspiracy.

This website writes:

About the division to leftist and to rightist

Trotskyism was Communism supported by Jacob Schiff, so it was Jewish version of leftist Freemasonry where the goal was a totalitarian one world, while Zionism was presented as an only alternative to Communism and it was supported by the same Jacob Schiff, and here the goal was a free market one world, which in the final stage is led by Israel. That is the real NWO agenda.

For Freemasons the division to leftist and rightist extremists was a real one, but for Zionist bankers it was just a conflict that could be used to advance the Zionistic goal, which is biblical: Israel and world domination.

This biblical goal is naturally not a negative one, as it is supposed to be the reign of peace (all who do not like it are enslaved or destroyed, so then there is peace under the wise king).

The Freemason goal was never a negative one, it was only that the end sanctifies the means, you simply had to destroy the old rule and kill the old rulers in order to build the ideal Platonic world republic.

About the division to unilateralism (the goal of the USA) and multilateralism, the goal could definitely not be a world led by the USA (or by the UK, or by France, or by any king of Edom). The USA is still one king of Edom and the seven kings of Edom must lose their power and all nations must be under the wise king. I agree that in the near future the goal of this plan must be multilateralism so that different players can be played against each other. But the final goal was one world, not led by the USA but by a world government, which is controlled by bankers. That is, the biblical goals can not change. It is as in Isaiah.