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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Conservatives actions against their neighbors are fundamentally immoral.

That's a huge, sweeping claim to make. I think traditionalism is not fundamentally immoral, nor are the true principles that real conservatives hold. It should be said that the majority of conservatives are Christian, and if they are true followers of Christ, they must follow in his footsteps. The fundamentalist and denominationaliat christianity we observe today is very much at odds with the true teachings of Jesus.

You arrogantly think you have superiority over people of other skin colors.

Who are you suggesting thinks this, all conservatives? I have conservative and liberal values and believe I'm a lesser person than even my enemies because I answer before God. The crowd you are referring to, seems small in comparison and not a legitimate threat. Of course, the media on both the left and right would have you think differently because the military-financial-corporate-media-government-complex understands that perpetuating division through class and race is the very best method in controlling a society. Obama did this with Sunstein's cognitive infiltration PSYOP, Trump's administration is carrying out this VERY SAME PSYOP.

You fight and shill for the Wealthy, only for the .00002% chance that you may one day be wealthy.

I agree that many conservatives and liberal statists alike... that includes must of the democrats as well as the neoconservative, and neoliberal controlled GOP shill for the ruse of modern free market enterprise. They preach free markets and yet control markets via price fixing. They preach honest barriers of entry in words only and yet are the forbearers of the increasing wealth inequality, monopolies, oligopolies and unreasonable barriers of entry that plague the United States of America today.

Would I blame conservatives or liberals in general? No, I would not. I believe it is a particular set of statists and authoritarians in government, politics, business, banking, defense and media that have led us down this path; scheming and plotting for themselves and their buddies own agendas and interests. A plot, in fact, that has existed throughout antiquity to the present day.

Conservatives have no real moral compass, because you believe every sin you cast and whatever evil you do is forgiven just for the asking by the very savior whose teachings you ignore.

Extreme white conservatives calling themselves "tea party" militants emerged in the GOP.

Again, your using a reductio ad absurdums here and a gross, sweeping generalization. I know people with traditional conservative values, God feating people who maintain a positive morality unlike most people. I could say the same for many liberals and existentialist Christians.

You might find the forefather of Christian existentialism to be of interest. For he was starkly against the denominational, evangelist and Catholic church but was a true follower of the teachings of Jesus. Actually, I think you should read his works. And no, your sins are not forgiven just because you ask for forgiveness. You pray to God and the Son of Man in meekness. You pray and ask for forgiveness, understanding that what you did was wrong. You become aware of your sins and position your moral compass on Jesus and his teachings. All your sins WILL BE JUDGED on judgment day by the Son of Man. As for the conservatives you see in the news. They are mostly neotrotskyite communists. The GOP has been hijacked by Zionists and Neoconservatives, who are NOT conservatives and for the most part are not Christian. The problem with the evangelist denominational portion of Christianity is that it has been infiltrated by Zionists and warmongers preaching a false gospel. Trump was a former democrat and is not a Christian. He attends a Presbyterian Church, but has admitted in an interview that he does not pray and does not ask for the forgiveness for his sins. He said, “you know, I never really asked God for forgiveness.” It is to be understood that asking for forgiveness is NOT an exemption to continue to sin. Real Christians understand this.

He is what you would call a church goer and nothing more. Not a true Christian.

But at least when I first came into the world in the mid 70's to the 80's you had some people in the party that I at least respected.

Yeah, real conservatives, not the fake ones we see today.