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[–]ISaidWhatISaid[S] 6 insightful - 2 fun6 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

The judgment acknowledges the national discussion about sex and gender that has taken place over recent years as the “transgender debate”. The era of “No Debate” around sex and gender, if it ever existed, is over. In the course of this national discussion, many Gender Critical people – overwhelmingly women – have been the subject of personal abuse, threats, the loss of jobs and livelihoods and even physical assault. This has been referred to as occurring on “both sides” of the discussion. But it is difficult to find evidence that equal apportionment has in fact occurred: overwhelmingly it appears that Gender Critical women have borne the brunt of it. Those women now have their legal protections affirmed at law.

Much of this vitriol has been inflicted on a false assumption that it is somehow liberal, progressive or enlightened to do so, and that it is justified because it is in furtherance of rights for trans people. The judgment is explicit that a rejection of Gender Theory – or even the questioning of it – is not in conflict with the legal rights of trans people.

Even organisations who do not consider themselves engaged in this debate need carefully to inspect their actions and policies to determine whether they have become institutionally discriminatory towards those who dissent from Gender Theory. The Scottish government has a range of policies, starting with the pending hate crime legislation, which need to reviewed. National police forces – some of whom have been taking the names of people who express Gender Critical thought and “checking their thinking” for signs of potential “hate crime” will now wish to consider whether any of this data is lawfully held and what their statistics actually and meaningfully represent. (...) Social media platforms ought urgently to take advice on whether they are impermissibly suppressing European speech and thought with a Californian scold’s bridle.

These catastrophisations arise from the reflex of defining people with whom we disagree as fundamentally immoral for not sharing our views. Sonia Sodha in the Observer wrote of the “naivety … of childishly dividing the world into goodies and baddies”. We are good because our values are good. Our opponents are bad because they do not have our values. Our opponents are thus immoral. Once we strip our opponents of any morality, we deny them of the right to be respected, and we can then impose any immoral act on them with immunity from any moral assessment of our actions. We excuse ourselves for awful things that we do.

This judgment, as fundamentally significant as it is for questions of sex and gender, is therefore perhaps of broader significance still. By potentially re-asserting the principles of protected speech and belief, by reminding us of the necessity for respect for those with whom we disagree, by removing the crutch of moral naivety and by denying the legitimacy of catastrophisations - perhaps this is a blueprint for applying 20th century human rights principles to 21st century political debate.

Read the full verdict here

If Bardfinn is keeping a secret database of European GCs, while insisting that he supposedly has to do this because these people are fascists and Natsees (as Bardfinn has repeatedly argued in long posts saying that TERFs are indistinguishable from Natsees) just for being GC, he is now arguably committing defamation against all these people and violating their right to free speech by urging Reddit to ban them on the basis of the lie that GC speech is akin to a hate-crime. which it clearly isn't. If Reddit is, to use Bardfinn's beloved terms, aiding and abetting him with defaming GC people who are definitely not Natsees or fascists but merely disagree with his fucking stupid delusional gender bullshit, they too are answerable for censoring all these European GC people engaged in protected speech.

Here are a couple of Bardfinns megaposts on Reddit about how TERFs are a literal fascist Natsee cult:

If you go and look at my previous posts in this sub, you can find the post where I linked to Bardfinn's series of longass rants on Reddit where he explained that TERFs are indistinguishable from Neo-Nazis and that gender critical feminism is a, quote, "fascist white supremacist colonialist ideology". The UK court clearly begs to differ.