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[–]zyxzevn[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Hey. thanks for your information.

I liked how the video that it explained how strong these towers were. And that there was a good possibility to rig these towers.

It was a good action to track these students, and the contacts that were involved.

According to some, like the person who made the video, some art-students were related to Mossad. I don't know. They had enough time to install the wiring. I think that the wiring-boxes and the location are interesting clues. They also made pictures of people jumping out of windows, which is weird. They might have used these pictures in the 911 propaganda.

I think that every aspect of this needs to be investigated thoroughly. There could be another group operating next to them. Or they could be a planned diversion. But thank you for informing that these people might be innocent or distraction.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They're probably not innocent, and two of the three groups I mentioend had some weird, elitist art project planned in the towers for 9/11/2001. They never showed up because the demolitions was most likely the real show. Afterall, these artists admit to focusing on so called deception art. I do not think these artists had the skill set to rig the towers, possibly a few agents were mixed in with them, but I doubt the entire nihilist group rigged them; which leads me to believe they're the cover for the riggers. The box sets with BB18 that can be linked to fuses and halliburten front company seems to be merely a ploy, a flaunt by these artists to boast about their help i nthe work. The idea was for researchers to focus on this group only, rather than the tenents. Think about it, these artists were on a few floors minimum and possibly were in the South Tower. So who rigged WTC7. Of course, researching these artists is vital because they obviously would have to knwo the real riggers and demolition team. And nihilists who lack any empathy for Human beings are a great cover. The problem is they like to boast about their participation in the crime and did so, before the towers came down and well after. Yes, hundreds of Israeli Mossad agents pretending to be art students all around the country were arested just before 9/11 and after, in what has been termed a spy operation. Also, the Urban Moving Van company was owned by Mossad agents. Interestingly, Dominic Suter now is in Switzerland working for the army.