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[–]Vigte[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This has been double posted here and on s/news for visibility. You can all vote on whether to ban me if you want - but only after you've watched the video and given thoughts on the evidence presented and not about the presenter and explained either how the documents are fake or some other reasonable explanation for this video.

You won't regret watching it.

I have bolded important points if you have between 5 and 10 minutes and SUPERSIZED things if you only have 2-5 minutes but I CANNOT stress enough, everything from 1:45 to just before the final minute - are very very very interesting.

All sources and citations are in the pastebin linked in the video description on pootube.


Overlords new leak - @1:45 (Celebrity nudes (wish she was actually pretty, oh well, someone paid for them and they got what they asked for lol :p))

Checkpoint 08 - @2:00 (Now at almost 8000 files released)

Attachments, document flip through - @2:35

Judicial Orders to Seal - @3:15

US Airways data-transmittal cover-sheet (heavily redacted) - @3:35 (Now including every piece of information the airline had on every plane passenger - including M. Atta's boarding pass as well as names and hiring sheets for EVERY employee at the time of the attack.

Cover-sheet wrap up - @5:10 (extra paperwork regarding Atta)

Back to over-all dump (rather than one piece of it), focusing on the email files - @5:45

Makes a prediction that WTC litigation and files will lead to the "finding" of a "CD of emails" that was left with KINKOS?! - @6:10

Email from London about Kinkos CD of emails - @6:29

More CDs? - @7:09

Depositions viewed with some kind of "legal file viewer" app, rather than notepad, no idea - @7:28

Pinkerton subpoena - @8:05

"Aviation Defendents" lax security accusations BEFORE 9/11 - @9:05

Depositions, dates and deponent information against Boeing, Huntleigh, Massport, Colgan and US Airways - @9:20

79 Asbestos deaths @ Navy Shipyard from the early 90's, wtf? Not sure what this has to do with the dump, but it' in there... - @9:28

Skip at 9:45 to 9:52 - I have sensitive hearing so loud shit kind of hurts

Summary of leaks and prediction about next layer being hard-evidence - @9:52 - 10:35

Responds to the "your documents say it was fire, you saying no bombs m8?! You are a liar!" (now including ARREST REPORT FOR FIVE DANCING CHOSEN PEOPLE (sorry if this is not new, but it's new to me!) AND OBAMA PICTURED WITH THREE OF THE "PILOTS" (you know, just Obama before 9/11 with some hijackers or whatever) @10:40 - 11:50

FBI document about needing Hebrew to English translation on siezed documents and evidence, "you know what I'm saying?" - @11:55

Art Students photos, now including ASBESTOSSSSSSSSS - @12:30

BB-18 declassified documents about Israeli/German passport holder with redacted flight itinery - @13:10

Explosive residue found and marked, bomb suits and blanket tested on property of one of the DANCING CHOSEN PEOPLE - @14:00

LET HIM GO on "odd circumstances and behaviour" - @14:50

meeting_tavistock.txt (wtf?) - @15:35 Nore? Petro sanate Sapra? - @15:40 Handdrawn breakfast plot? What the fuck? - @15:44

THIS IS FAKE - @16:07

$4000 to go? - @16:55

SECURLINE - DO NOT DISCLOSE, unredacted - How's that for authentic? - @17:45

Why redact names and information of people subpoenaed from Pinkerton and Huntleigh and Backwards to the US Airways Cover-sheet from the beginning - @18:20

It's almost like an employee was buying these tickets - @18:42

Remainder is summary bants.

I hope you made it this far, if I do - I salute your interest in possibility - I'm not saying this is anything - nor can I say it is nothing. Only time will tell, hopefully we find a way to undo the damage 9/11 has done - by discrediting the event we could reverse some of the psychological damage done afterwards, or so I hope.