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Is Christianity improving? A Pastor not arrested for molesting children, but only theft.
1 year ago by ActuallyNot to /s/news from
Kentucky arson suspect says ‘demon spirits’ told her to set fires
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/NotTheOnion from
Lexington doctor on effects of daylight saving... "an increased risk of stroke and increased risk of a heart attack"... WTF
2 years ago by TheFlailingOfLegs to /s/Kentucky from
House committee passes bill that would ban hair discrimination... Legislators are great at passing nonsense bills
Gov. Beshear reacts to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Cameras that scan license plates to be installed in Lexington
Two arrests made in deadly Fayette Mall shooting; two innocent bystanders were shot
4 years ago by TheFlailingOfLegs to /s/Kentucky from