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Kamala Harris on Adult Swim
4 months ago by American_Muskrat to /s/politics from
VIDEO - Wife receives a burst of supernatural strength to save her husband who had been trapped after a tree and debris fell on top of him breaking both his legs. (Twitter / @DeonGuillory)
10 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
Seymour, Indiana - Buses bring in illegals to this small town with a population of 15,600. The office of the mayor knows it and they say they do nothing to stop it. Instead, they plan to build an Immigrant Welcome Center. [video]
VIDEO - Good Samaritans risked their lives getting into a newly formed sinkhole to help save others. (Pakkret, Thailand)
Demonstration of how easy it is to generate artificial rainfall using small rockets and a pickup truck. [video]
10 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/technology from
"Oh my God!" they exclaim. Yes, it was a sign from God. "Can you believe this?!" Montreal turns to night (in the middle of the day) during the solar eclipse.... [video]
Mt Etna is still blowing smoke rings.... [video]
Lava began pouring out of the volcano in Iceland yesterday like a river of molten rock.... [video]
I don't know about the superimposed logo on this video, but those hands definitely look like Donald Trump's. [video]
10 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/politics from
MOSCOW - "Back in 2022, the special services conducted exercises, simulating the capture of hostages by Ukrainian soldiers at the Crocus City Hall" (Twitter / @SashaSever12) [video]
11 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/conspiracy from
Tennis match suspended because of.... BEE INVASION [video]
11 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
Boulders crush vehicles in Peru [video]
These planes can destroy targets 60 miles away with a powerful laser.... [video]
11 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/WarWatch from
It's beautiful when humans are kind.... Using an excavator to rescue an elephant. [video]
1 year ago by In-the-clouds to /s/videos from
Boulders Explode - Clearing blocked roadway after a mudslide in Auburn, California [video]
1 year ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
Race War Coming - US Navy specialist caught trying to set on fire the birth home of Martin Luther King Jr. If the plan had been successful, the fire could have been blamed on whites. The US Navy specialist is Laneisha Shantrice Henderson. This video shows her caught in the act.... [video]
"Major damage near Fort Campbell, KY. Home of the 101st Airborne." - Nitter/RandomHeroWX [video]
Violent Shaking - 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck the Philippines on Saturday [video]
VIDEO: "The GTA 6. Chicago version."(Nitter/TonyMguru)
Tone-deaf (because they are sociopaths) Zionists didn't realize this would backfire and now want it hidden. Children calling for genocide.
1 year ago by RR_2023 to /s/politics from
India - Fireworks ignited inside movie theater.... Hard to tell if they were panicking or enjoying it..... [video]
Philippines hit by earthquake [video]
Australia - Firenado [video]
Grindavik, Iceland - Volcanic eruption likely.... People ordered to leave their homes, but some roads are damaged from earthquakes. [video]
Eruption of Fuego volcano drops molten-hot rocks near observers.... [video]
It looks like the Tidy Monster was in France.... [video]
The spirit that speaks through Obama also speaks through Vivek.... [video]
1 year ago by In-the-clouds to /s/politics from
This pygmy marmoset appears to be wondering: Is it a leaf? Or can I eat it? It's too nice to destroy.... [video]
Party at the beach in Brazil interrupted.... [video]
1 year ago by In-the-clouds to /s/whatever from
Space is for faggots.
1 year ago by FlatEarthDaveTV to /s/conspiracy from
Space is fake and gay.
1 year ago by FlatEarthDaveTV to /s/space from
After Hurricane Otis, many have no electricity.... so how are they going to power those televisions? [video]
These young adults are in shock as they view the destruction. The man says: "This can't be" "This can't be true" "Acapulco has been destroyed" [video]
Looting at Sam's Club in Acapulco, Mexico.... [video]
"The scale of the damage is catastrophic Almost total devastation in Acapulco This is what the Diamond area looked like after the passage of #Otis, which hit as a category 5 hurricane" ~ Nitter/MLopezSanMartin [video]
Will looting come to your area after it's hit by a storm? ~ Trees blocked access to the community "La Venta" in Acapulco, Guerrero; a gas station was destroyed and an Oxxo in the place has been completely emptied, allegedly after the "sacking." ~ (Nitter/POSTAEdomex) [video]
Looting in Acapulco [video]
Mexico - Princess hotel in Acapulco destroyed by hurricane [video]
Explosions in Gaza Strip - Twitter/Timesofgaza [video]
1 year ago by In-the-clouds to /s/WarWatch from
"This is Gaza." October 25, 2023 Twitter/@MuhammadSmiry [video]
Mississippi River water level is at a record low, which could allow salt from the sea to enter drinking water.... [video]
New Orleans drinking water could go bitter soon if they don't get lots of rain.... [video]
VIDEO - Joe Biden jokes about how doctors cut open his skull to see if he had a brain.... But why doesn't he ever joke about how his appearance was changed? Did he have cosmetic surgery, or what?
Obama and Fauci: COVID shots are free for children. Remember, then-president Trump gave pharmaceutical companies billions and billions and pushed the injections through the FDA for "Emergency Use". They all worked together to make it free (but it cost so much). [video]
1 year ago by In-the-clouds to /s/history from
Is Hawaii cleared for building "smart cities"? [video]
Lasers can react to certain colors? So, for example, a city could be burned by a laser attack, and cars are melted while sparing the blue cars? [video]
1 year ago by In-the-clouds to /s/conspiracy from
Hawaii fire "anomaly"... [video]
The prize being fought for is the soul, said "Prince".... [video]
When this dragonfly thirsts, he can wipe a drop of water from his eye and bring it to his mouth and drink. ~ God's amazing creation [short video]
Australia banks ask their customers to give a reason for making a cash withdrawal. ~ Soon, there will be no anonymous purchases worldwide (when the mark of the beast is enforced.) [video]
1 year ago by In-the-clouds to /s/finance from
Mountains do fall.... This landslide stopped traffic.... [short video]
Dramatic response to NYC flooding, with trash floating down the street.... [video]
Their lives have changed.... Flooding in Greece.... [short video]
This aircraft makes chemtrail spraying obvious.... [video]
VIDEO - "Large scale damage at a car dealership in Texas after hail the size of softballs pounded the cars" (X / @volcaholic1)
VIDEO - "Timelapse of yesterday evening's severe storms as they rolled into the Tulsa metro."(X@BraxBanksOKWX)
Simple method to distill water using the free energy of the sun.... [video]
SpaceX releases another mysterious-looking craft to orbit Earth, under the name "Starlink". Each launch requires an incredible amount of fuel.... In other news, they tell you to buy one of their electric vehicles and stop using fuel for your personal use. [video]
1 year ago by In-the-clouds to /s/space from
14 hilarious minutes of Sacramento's jew mayor getting trolled
1 year ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/funny from
Thailand - Massive amount of dead fish [video]
These guys are leaving Burning Man 2023 as fast as they can.... [video]
Burning Man 2023 - Where is the party at? The people in this scene look like they are dying. Or hung over. Or both. [video]
So many damaged vehicles from flooding in the Madrid region of Spain. It looks like a movie about the end of the world. (Because it is?) [video]
Japan releases radioactive waste into ocean. China now bans Japanese seafood. “If the Japanese government is confident that the radioactive contaminated water is safe, it should use it for agriculture or other purposes in its own country,” [video]
Indian Moon Mission - Video quality is poor. Instead of fluid motion, they only release still images blurred together. Is that so they can scrutinize each frame before it is released? (The far side of the moon has water and life.) Also, there is no color in the images. [click for video]
Some people lost their cars in Los Angeles, California due to Hillary. [video]
Lake Powell in California being replenished by Hillary [video]
"wildfire smoke will come back tomorrow – especially in the afternoon. Air quality will be very poor, especially in the orange shading." [video: Matt DiLoreto]
VIDEO from Colorado: "I napped instead of covering my plants 🤦🏼♀️ I have regrets" [Twitter/ Kylie Bearse]
1 year ago by In-the-clouds to /s/gardening from
Some radar anomalies are caused by the US military. In this radar animation from 2018, you can see "what looked like a severe storm" [...] "which had many people confused since there were no storms" [video]
VIDEO - Volcano spewing ash in Camalig, Philippines... The volcanoes are waking up because it is the time of judgement.
Oman - Massive floods, Green Mountain Road. The cars are at a dead end with impassible water in front of them and other cars blocking them from behind. Video....
Is it spring? Ice covers the streets in Khamis Mushait, Saudi Arabia. VIDEO....
VIDEO - American soldiers exposed on camera opening the gate for illegal immigrants entry to America [Twitter/4Mischief]
VIDEO - "40 second recap of yesterday's bizarre bout of weather for mid-May"
VIDEO - Men in San Francisco frozen in place, bent over, pants pulled down.... What has happened to the "land of the free and home of the brave"? Americans will not be able to defend themselves when attacked.
VIDEO - "colossal detonation of an ammunition depot in Khmelnitsky, Ukraine" [Twitter/Clash Report/May-2023]
VIDEO: Volunteers dig residents out of the snow in the California mountains....
VIDEO: What dropped down onto these cars in China?
VIDEO: People lined up outside SVB (Silicon Valley Bank)
VIDEO: LAKE ARROWHEAD, California -- COVERED IN SNOW - beautiful scene, but people are trapped in their houses....
Ominous ... VIDEO from Texas [Twitter / HarrisonSpence1]
Dallas dust storm today - Is it only "dust"? VIDEO....
VIDEO: More black smoke.... this time over Medley, Florida.
VIDEO: Looks like a fireball breaking apart over Japan....
Randy Scott - I’m no meteorologist, but I worry whatever’s in the air in Ohio has made its way to New England. This isn’t just regular rain this morning. ~ VIDEO shows substance covering a car....
2 years ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
VIDEO - Massive 5 acre fire has broken out a warehouse storing plastic plant pots in Kissimmee, Florida. Hazmat teams are monitoring air quality due to the large amount of smoke coming from the burning plastics. Residents with breathing issues should remain indoors.
What it looks like in South Africa when the power fails. (They call it loadshedding.) ~ VIDEO
VIDEO - Another blizzard? "Current conditions at the top of Emigrant" ~ I believe this is at a ski resort in the Sierra Nevada, between California and Nevada.
2 years ago by In-the-clouds to /s/videos from
VIDEO - Beast System In Plain Sight!
VIDEO - Looting Family Dollar during blizzard ~ Buffalo, NY
VIDEO - Even a fire truck appears stranded in the snow - Buffalo, NY
VIDEO - Birds flying around inside a looted convenience store in Buffalo, NY
VIDEO - Buffalo blizzard has had fatal consequences
VIDEO - A new Christmas tradition? There was no peace and good will toward men in this location of Paris on Christmas Eve.
VIDEO - Reed Timmer says: "Worst blizzard I have ever covered"
VIDEO - Snow is coming down hard on Japan