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Genocide Olympics: How Chinese propaganda runs the world
2 years ago by Daily_Reformer_US to /s/politics from
Putin’s agitation is not really based on his own fear of attack; it is driven by a mix of national pride, ego and a historic nostalgia for the days when he was a KGB officer (a master of the Soviet universe)
A Very Strange Fellow Is Our Joe - One of his latest and most cynical is that our Constitution is “always evolving.” I’ll wait here while you think about this for a few seconds.
Lummis: Biden Fed Nominee Raked In $1.5 Million From Start-Up She Pulled Strings For
Is There Life After Drudge? – Citizen Free Press seeks to fill the space it believes the Drudge Report and maybe Breitbart have vacated. Central to his appeal, Kane tells me, is that in the post-Golden Age internet he manually edits all comments, and then deletes all posts after a few days.
Biden’s food policies have nothing to do with hunger
Record-High Inflation Could Deal Biden And Democrats A Fatal Blow In The 2022 Midterms
Five Quick Things: Why Aren’t Black Politicians Crushing Biden Over Inflation?
Thank NATO for the New Russia-China Pact - Russia and China announced the formation of a “no-limits” partnership last week, the predictable consequence of America’s misguided policy towards post-Soviet Russia and ill-advised embrace of a rising China.
[VIDEO] For The First Time, Liz Cheney Just Showed Her Truest Colors in Front of the Cameras
3 years ago by Daily_Reformer_US to /s/politics from
OH HELL NO! Joe Biden Says He Could Stay at Home During the Pandemic because Black Women Stacked Grocery Shelves — WTH? (VIDEO)
4 years ago by Daily_Reformer_US to /s/news from
Project Veritas Bombshell: Ilhan Omar Connected to Illegal Ballot Harvesting Scheme...“They came to our homes. They said: ‘This year, you will vote for Ilhan,’” he said. “They said: ‘We will make the absentee ballots."...After the ballots are signed and documented the harvester said he got paid.
4 years ago by Daily_Reformer_US to /s/politics from
John Legend Threatens To ‘Leave Country’ If Trump Reelected – After Buying $17.5 Million LA Mansion This Month....Legend joins a long tradition of Hollywood liberals who vow to leave the country over President Trump but then don’t.
4 years ago by Daily_Reformer_US to /s/funny from
Here We Go… Hacks at Fake News NY Times Focus on Trump’s Tax Returns AGAIN Rather than the Biden Family’s Cash for Russian Hookers and Moscow Millions
Police: BLM activist charged with attempted murder after driving car into crowd of Trump supporters
Amy Coney Barrett and Her Family are Headed to Washington DC. Here’s What You Need to Know…
Temporary contractor threw Trump mail-in ballots in trash, Pennsylvania officials say
Jonathan Cahn gives powerful prophetic message to trumpet ‘The Return’
VIDEO: Woman Drives Car into Crowd of Trump Supporters, Two Critically Injured
LEAKED Inside Documents show BLUE PRINT of Radical Left’s Rapid Response Plan to Disrupt SCOTUS Nomination and Vote
Shock Video – Joe Biden Tells Troops: “Clap for that, you stupid. bastards” .....And here’s another version of the video with more context
IT BEGINS: Nancy Pelosi Says Biden Shouldn’t ‘Bother’ Debating Donald Trump This Tuesday
BREAKING: The Clinton Foundation Is Now Morphed into a Criminal Investigation by US Attorney John Durham – KA-BOOM!
Robert De Niro Loses It: Says If Trump Wins, ‘We’re Into Fascism, Period’
Thousands Protest Coronavirus Restrictions in London
Louisville Man Who Fired Several Shots at a Line of Police Officers, Injuring Two — Is Only Charged with Assault and Wanton Endangerment
Larry C. Johnson: Bombshell–FBI Special Agent Barnett Blows the lid Off of the Coup Against Trump
‘We’ve Lost That Battle’: Joy Behar Admits The Republicans Won The Supreme Court Fight
Jim Banks Questions Why Democrats Aren’t Interested in Fighting ‘Politically Motivated’ Anti-Catholic Attacks....He called the silence another example of how deeply divided the country is.
Karma Catches Up to Joe Biden....There’s no way he can dodge questions at the first presidential debate next week about Barrett
Kamala Harris Praises ‘Brilliance’ And Impact’ Of BLM - Vice-presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) on Friday expressed her unconditional support for the ongoing anti-police brutality and Black Lives Matter protests, claiming she sees the protests as a “mark of a real democracy.”
UPDATE — Soros anarchist agent Holly Zoller rented the suspicious U-Haul involved in Louisville riots…
Trump’s Underappreciated Foreign Policy
This is America? Three Christians Arrested for Singing Church Hymns Outside in Idaho without Masks (VIDEO)......Fifteen minutes into the gathering—during the very first song—police began to arrest the peaceful psalm singers for failing to wear masks as mandated by the Moscow City Council.
FBI Used Russian Spy to Interfere in 2016 Election! Steele’s Main Dossier Source Was Subject of FBI Investigation Under Suspicion of Being a Russian Spy and “Threat to National Security”
Facebook Censors Tucker Carlson for ‘False News’
Meghan and Harry Are Embarrassing Themselves
Stop forgetting to turn off camera: Argentinian MP resigns after sucking on woman’s breasts during online congressional session
[VIDEO] Ohio Woman Tased and Arrested For Not Wearing a Mask at Son’s Outdoor Grade School Football Game....The video was posted to YouTube, and it shows the woman resisting as the officer struggles to handcuff her. After about 2 minutes of struggling the officer deploys his taser.
‘Absolute Savagery’ as Violent Protest Descends on Racetrack, Leaves One Horse Dead, Others Broken and Brutalized
China in Focus: Chinese Textbook Calls Jesus a Murderer
WTH? Best Buy Sends Out Email to Employees After Breonna Taylor Decision — Allows Time Off to Mourn Decision
German Minister: Lockdown Will Kill More Than Covid-19 Does
Senate Report Says Joe Biden Allowed Family to Enrich Themselves Abroad While He Was VP
It’s a brand new day and of course, we have a new Biden blunder....[VIDEO] Biden Forgets the Word ‘Mailbox’ While Pushing the Theory That ‘Trump is Stealing Mail’....Good grief, this man is a lost cause without a teleprompter in front of him.
[VIDEO] Portesters in St. Petersburg Harass Elderly Couple at Restaurant and Threaten to “Knock Your Old A** Out”
VIDEO: Police Arrest Christians for Singing Hymns, Cite Mask and ‘Social Distancing’ Violations. “Didn’t see this happen with BLM, Gabe,” someone states in the background. “You guys should not be doing this, and doing this kind of crap for the mayor is embarrassing,” the man being arrested says.
Ballots Included In Trays Of Mail Found Dumped in Wisconsin Ditch
RAW VIDEO: Woman Tased, Arrested For Not Wearing Mask At HS Football Game
UPDATE: Diners in St. Petersburg Spit on and Harassed by BLM Goons Dressed In Jewish Ceremonial Garb – Likely Targeted in Hate Crime for Being Jewish
Sources: Series of wildfires on the West Coast may be “coordinated and planned” attack | The Daily Reformer
Police: She thought the security guard was a cop, so she chased him down with a machete. | The Daily Reformer
4 years ago by Daily_Reformer_US to /s/offbeat from
Gleeful, laughing bystander live-streamed aftermath of attack on Compton deputies: “They just got aired out!” | The Daily Reformer
Man poops on Nancy Pelosi’s driveway: Says it was a ‘peaceful protest’ | The Daily Reformer
Hurricane Sally Could Unleash “Historic Flooding” Across Gulf Coast States | The Daily Reformer
[VIDEO] Leader of “Africa Town Coalition” Tells Followers to Celebrate Ambush of Two Police Officers Who Were Shot in the Head | The Daily Reformer
NFL allows players to honor alleged rapists, convicted murderers and those who tried killing police (op-ed) | The Daily Reformer
Obama’s and Netflix Board Member Susan Rice Remain Silent on ‘Cuties’ Scandal | The Daily Reformer
Antifa activist arrested for arson in Washington state | The Daily Reformer
[VIDEO] Portland Cops Look On Bewildered As Antifa Rioter Lights His Feet on Fire After Hurling a Molotov Cocktail | The Daily Reformer
Charlotte Black Lives Matter Rioters March Down the Street Chanting ‘F-ck Your Jesus,’ Cover Street Preacher With Silly String (VIDEOS) | The Daily Reformer
ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL — The skateboard felon is Joe Crowshoe, a student at University of Colorado… | The Daily Reformer
4 years ago by Daily_Reformer_US to /s/Movies from
Video: Black Woman Refuses to let Flight Attendant Pass Her on Plane Because of “White Privilege” | The Daily Reformer
GoFundMe Nukes Kyle Rittenhouse Fundraiser, Allows BLM Rioters to Receive Over $1.3M in Bail Donations | The Daily Reformer
UPDATE: Evidence Shows Young Kenosha Shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse, ‘May’ Have Acted in Self Defense Against Three BLM Criminals – All with Prior Arrest Records (VIDEO) | The Daily Reformer
New Footage Shows Alleged Sex Offender Jacob Blake Brawling with Kenosha Police Before He Was Shot
WATCH: Portland Black Lives Matter Whine About Police Not Saving Them As They Get Walloped By Patriots | The Daily Reformer
Donna Brazile TRIGGERED — Plays Race Card, Lashes Out at Tammy Bruce After AMAZING Night 1 of Convention (VIDEO). This is how you KNOW night one of the Republican National Convention was a GREAT SUCCESS!
[VIDEO] CNN Panel Looks Absolutely Devastated When Wolf Blitzer Lavishes Praise on the RNC’s Opening Night | The Daily Reformer
Report: Falwell quits Liberty University amid claims of wife’s sex with pool boy
BLM Protesters Pull Out AK47 Rifle, Curse and Scream at Local KSDK Reporter During Mob Action at Mayor Krewson’s Home (VIDEO) | The Daily Reformer
Trump Calls Out CNN, MSNBC And Fox News Over RNC Coverage | The Daily Reformer
Atlanta police precinct under attack, armed protestors putting up barricades to stop emergency response vehicles | The Daily Reformer
‘Justice for Darius Sessoms’ Facebook Group Set Up by Troll Attracts Thousands of Actual Supporters | The Daily Reformer
Day One Viewership and Ratings of RNC Convention Absolutely Crushed DNC Views Into Dust
HOW CONVENIENT: Chicago Police Arrest 6 Protesters OUTSIDE Mayor’s Home, 64 Shot During Deadly Weekend | The Daily Reformer
Herschel Walker describes his 38-year friendship with President Donald Trump. In his remarks Mr. Walker puts a face on the person we know as the people’s president:
‘Justice for Darius Sessoms’ Facebook Group Set Up by Troll Attracts Thousands of Actual Supporters
28-Year-Old U.S. Woman Busted at Mexican Border With Huge Haul of Meth
BLM Leader Arrested For Holding Pregnant Woman “Hostage” on Cali Freeway During Protest…She Faces 15 Years in Prison
[VIDEO] Heart-Stopping Bodycam Footage of Exact Moment Cop Pulls Man in Wheelchair From Oncoming Train With Seconds to Spare
[VIDEO] BLM Mob Orders Homeowners to Get Their “White A**es Out” and Turn Their Homes Over to Black People
Update: Judge Orders Texas Father to Pay $5,000 a Month So His Ex-Wife Can “Transition” Son James Into a Girl Named “Luna”
Company That Makes America’s Nuclear Weapons Hosted Training Session For White Execs To Show Their ‘White Privilege’
LABOUR DEPARTMENT: Weekly Jobless Claims Fall Below 1 Million For First Time Since March Lockdowns
[VIDEO] Flashback: Kamala Harris and Ellen Degeneres Laugh Hysterically Over a Joke About “Killing” Trump or Pence. Isn’t it just perfect? The meanest woman in Hollywood and the coldest stiff in politics – together, laughing about death and violence… It’s like a match made in heaven, right?
BREAKING: Wikileaks Posts 137 Documents on Kamala Harris Hours After She Is Named Joe Biden’s Running Mate
TRUMP: Kamala Harris the ‘Kind of Opponent Everyone Dreams Of!’
Black Man Approaches 5-Year-Old Boy Riding His Bike, Puts a Gun to His Head, Executes Him in Front of His Two Sisters
HUGE! CNN Doctors Image of Biden Calling Kamala Harris — Doctors Out His Cheat Sheet Script! Biden had a cheat sheet on his desk so he wouldn’t forget where he was.
THIS IS STRANGE: Report Shows 2020 with Lowest Number of US Deaths Since 2009
FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Demands Twitter ‘Shut Down’ President Trump’s Account
Kamala Harris once stood by Biden accusers: ‘I believe them’
Report: Kamala’s Father Slams Her Shameless Identity Politics “We Wish to Categorically Dissociate Ourselves From this Travesty”
TOP CONSERVATIVE Newslinks for Wednesday 12th August 2020
Joe Biden was threatened into picking Kamala Harris as his running mate by Democratic operatives who specifically told him that if he didn’t pick a black woman for the role, he would lose the election.
WATCH: Black Right-Wing Journalist Stabbed at Black Lives Matter Riot in Portland
4 years ago by Daily_Reformer_US to /s/Antiwar from
Portland police barred from live-streaming violent rioters (yet protestors demand cops wear body cameras). The rioters and protesters did not like being video recorded during their criminal acts and filed a lawsuit through the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
During the investigation of Jeffrey Epstein citizen Donald Trump’s name came up. The FBI attempted over and over to tie the famous New York developer to misconduct, but to no avail.
Norwegian flag removed by bed and breakfast owners after too many upset folks confuse it for Confederate flag