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Bananas almost went extinct 70 years ago -- Now a deadly fungus is trying again
1 month ago by Drewski to /s/Nature from
Scientists discover plants have their own form of intelligence
3 months ago by [deleted] to /s/science from
Scientists have successfully grown working “testicles in a dish” that could one day help solve male infertility.
7 months ago by [deleted] to /s/science from
American Apocalypse? 71% Don't Trust U.S. Government To Prevent Doomsday
1 year ago by IkeConn to /s/SaidIt from
Climate “experts” now claim global warming causes drug addition and alcoholism …
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/ClimateChange from
Grammar going extinct: Majority of young adults think proper spelling doesn’t matter anymore
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/culture from
Ultra high-resolution scans can detect heart disease in patients years sooner
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/Health from
Chemical found in Splenda reportedly damages DNA: 'It's something you should not be eating'
1 year ago by Drewski to /s/Health from
Supermarket scare: 40% of meat products test positive for antibiotic-resistant superbugs
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/Food from
Junk food’s evil ways: High-fat diet hijacks the brain’s ability to regulate appetite
Beetroot juice can significantly increase muscle force while working out
Chad dolphins form large social groups to chase females
2 years ago by IkeConn to /s/Chads from
3 in 5 Americans trust Punxsutawney Phil over the Weather Guessers
2 years ago by IkeConn to /s/Schadenfreude from
COVID-19 patients show more signs of brain damage than people with Alzheimer’s disease
2 years ago by usehername to /s/Coronavirus from
No place is sacred: Addicted Americans use cell phones at weddings, funerals, on the toilet!
2 years ago by IkeConn to /s/MrTPitiesTheFool from
New research reveals that cloth masks filter just 10% of exhaled aerosols, with many people not wearing coverings that fit their face properly
3 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Coronavirus from
Too much coffee can cause your brain to shrink, raise risk of dementia by 53 percent
3 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Health from
Excessive screen time for toddlers linked to less physical activity, stunted development
4 years ago by Drewski to /s/Psychology from
Birth Control Pills May Be Shrinking A Vital Brain Region In Users, Study Finds
4 years ago by useless_aether to /s/Health from
Survey: Average Person Has Just 4 Hours, 26 Minutes Of Free Time Per Week!
5 years ago by HeyImSancho to /s/SundogsPlace from