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A grim warning from Israel: Vaccination blunts, but does not defeat Delta
3 years ago by carn0ld03 to /s/Israel from
"Critics say a childhood asthma study unethically withheld care—and see a troubling trend." I feel sorry for people who believe that the current vaccine experiments are any different.
3 years ago by freedomlogic to /s/conspiracy from
Cheap material converts heat to electricity
3 years ago by [deleted] to /s/science from
Project launched to look for extraterrestrial visitors to our Solar System
3 years ago by RuckusChan to /s/space from
Particle mystery deepens, as physicists confirm that the muon is more magnetic than predicted
3 years ago by zyxzevn to /s/Physics from
Science published a paper stating that Wuhan virus will become one of the mild colds that we get all the time. Direct download at the link. The reinfection rate is surprisingly low and the virus mutations are slow compared to a flu.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/science from
Do we think that a problem persists even when it has become less frequent? When the “signal” a person is searching for becomes rare, the person naturally responds by broadening his or her definition of the signal—and therefore continues to find it even when it is not there.
Pfizer's vaccine raises allergy concerns [vaccine]
3 years ago by Entropick to /s/entropick from
Research article: Female hunters of the early Americas
3 years ago by anonymale to /s/GenderCritical from
Electric shocks to the tongue can quiet chronic ringing ears
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/science from
Designer antibodies fight cancer by tethering immune cells to tumor cells
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/rsaw from
This $1 hearing aid could treat millions with hearing loss
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/technology from
Energy ‘scavenger’ could turn waste heat from fridges and other devices into electricity
Warrior skeletons reveal Bronze Age Europeans couldn’t drink milk
Boston superspreading event seeded thousands of COVID-19 cases
4 years ago by Pis-dur to /s/science from
‘Electric mud’ teems with new, mysterious bacteria
4 years ago by D0z to /s/science from
Chinese scientist who produced genetically altered babies sentenced to 3 years in jail
4 years ago by iraelmossadreddit to /s/WorldNews from
The mysterious case of man who can read letters—but not numbers—exposes roots of consciousness
4 years ago by Drewski to /s/Psychology from
Bacteria and Colon Cancer
4 years ago by magnora7 to /s/Medicine from
Study linking hydroxychloroquine to heart problems likey a fabrication.
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/news from
First global map of earthworms reveals which places are chock-full of them—and why
4 years ago by useless_aether to /s/Vermicomposting from
Mandeep Mehra, Amit N. Patel, and Sapan Desai co-authored major new papers in The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine. Now, the papers have been retracted and the journals are receiving withering criticism for a failure of editorial processes and peer review.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/science from
Hidden Viking trade route emerges from melting ice in Norway
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Europe from
Mutant enzyme, known as Leaf-branch Compost Cutinase, could vastly improve recycling of plastic bottles
4 years ago by magnora7 to /s/science from
Next generation water splitter could help renewables power the globe
4 years ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Hydrogen from