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Hong Kong Pink Dolphin Numbers Dwindle to a Handful
1 month ago by Questionable to /s/environment from
Russians ‘burning faces’ of dead North Koreans to keep them secret: Zelenskyy
2 months ago by Cancelthis to /s/WorldPolitics from
Wonderful -- join the true believers and all praises to the brilliant "Global South"
2 months ago by Cancelthis to /s/InternationalNews from
Minors make up for labor shortage caused by Myanmar’s conflict, draft
7 months ago by Cancelthis to /s/Socialism from
China steps up checks for people bypassing the ‘Great Firewall’
10 months ago by GB43 to /s/Internet from
Hong Kong police vow to hunt exiled activist Agnes Chow ‘for life’
1 year ago by Cancelthis to /s/corruption from
1 year ago by Cancelthis to /s/ProtectandServe from
So fucking sad! Vietnamese activist sentenced to years behind bars in shell kangaroo proceeding. Vietnam gov should be ashamed.
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/WorldPolitics from
Fences are now blocking main roads in Shanghai, blocking the flow of food and other goods, while also preventing law enforcement and medical care to enter where people might call for help. These fences are blocking all traffic.
2 years ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
Niece of Prominent Uyghur Scholar Confirmed to Have Died in Xinjiang Internment Camp
3 years ago by carn0ld03 to /s/China from
Jaguar Poaching Driven by Chinese Demand for Teeth and Parts
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/environment from
Chinese Police Have Filmed Dozens of Forced Confessions, Often After Torture: Report
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/China from
Ethnic Mongolian Herders Protest Government-Backed Pig Farms in Durbed
Indonesia Makes Arrests Over Scheme to Smuggle in Corpses From Chinese Boat
China Uses 'Friendship Associations' to Extend Influence Among Overseas Elites: Report
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Europe from
Police in China's Guangdong Order Eviction of Exiled Dissident's Family
Talk of Banning TikTok Sparks Calls For A More Open Internet in China
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/technology from
Rights Group Wants Japan to Drop Plan to Give Funds to Myanmar’s Police Force
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Japan from
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/politics from
North Korea Intensifies Crackdown on South Korean Cultural Influences
Chinese Student Who Criticized President Xi Jinping Applies to Marry in Taiwan
Hong Kong Expels New York Times Correspondent Amid Ongoing Media War
Book, Report Spark Concern Over China's UK Elite Influence Operations
North Korean Founder Kim Il Sung Did Not Have the Ability to Teleport, State Media Admits
4 years ago by Nemacolin to /s/news from
Estimates Show Wuhan Death Toll Far Higher Than Official Figure
4 years ago by hennaojichan to /s/Coronavirus from
Chinese Lawyers Sue US Over 'Coronavirus Cover-up' - Radio Free Asia
4 years ago by Robin to /s/news from
Posthumous Exoneration for Covid-19 Whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang
China Blasts Apple Over App Tracking Movements of Hong Kong Police
5 years ago by Kangbanger to /s/communismwatch from
North Korean Miners’ Families Suffer Cancers, Birth Defects From Uranium Exposure
Authorities in Anhui Have Deprived a Prominent Dissident of Sleep, Toilet Access, and Food Following his Detention Ahead of the Tiananmen Massacre Anniversary
5 years ago by Stankmango to /s/communismwatch from
North Korea Begins Crackdown on China's Falun Gong
Chinese Professor Fired After Tweeting That Chinese 'Lie, Commit Fraud and Poison Each Other'
6 years ago by Vigte to /s/news from