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Girl diagnosed with gender identity disorder by email
3 years ago by jet199 to /s/detrans from
You might have heard of ahs. Here is some information about that, and more info about reddit
3 years ago by exentrico to /s/AgainstHateSubreddits from
Meanwhile on Reddit - Peeping on women in vulnerable spaces “helps” with their dysphoria
4 years ago by Happy_face_caller to /s/PinkPillFeminism from
The comments that were deleting speaks volumes about where things are at on reddit. The site is a cesspool of trans ideology.
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/LGBDropTheT from
Reddit tells a doctor euphoria boners mean AGP isn't real
4 years ago by jet199 to /s/itsafetish from
The pronoun gang start to meet the real world
4 years ago by jet199 to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from
Deleted Reddit post: I'm so sick of trans women invading lesbian spacesLesbian
4 years ago by bastetkat to /s/LGBDropTheT from
obese man with sissy fetish realized he is actually a beautiful trans woman after surfing r/eggirl
4 years ago by Coconaut to /s/GenderCritical from
Too much truth in this r/books thread about Harry Potter, mods purge and lock
4 years ago by upcomingDaddy to /s/LGBDropTheT from
Out of their own mouths: "99% of trans women I met on line were batshit crazy"
4 years ago by Chunkeeguy to /s/LGBDropTheT from
Wanna go down an insane inter-dimensional rabbit hole? (Part I)
4 years ago by EpsteinIsHung to /s/conspiracy from
Removeddit archive of PCOS insanity on Reddit.
4 years ago by BettysBitterButter to /s/PCOS from
/u/maxwellhill the Reddit account with the 8th most link karma of all time, powermod of frontpage subs, first account to reach a million Karma, is/was operated by Ghislaine Maxwell. Posts nearly every day for 14 years up until Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/news from
There was one fascist rising to power in 1999, and just 15 years later, the majority of democracies in europe fell or had fascist parties with huge percentages during elections. (people actually believe this crap)
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/MeanwhileOnReddit from