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Six individuals have filed a law suit seeking to end Federal activities that monitor and censor online support groups for those injured by toxic C19 injections
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/GrandJury from
The movie “Protocol 7” has been released – documenting the fraud in trials of Merck's MMR vaccine
7 months ago by zyxzevn to /s/VaccineSkepticism from
Post-mortem on the C19 pandemic - 6 million avoidable C19 deaths plus 36 million vaxx deaths
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/Coronavirus from
“Vaxx v Unvaxx” – your children – an ounce of poison for a life time of pain = child vaccination schedule - or simply don't vaxx for healthy, happy and smart kids
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/VaccineSkepticism from
C19 mRNA clinical trial rabbit holes and production disasters. People should demand to see the contracts signed by their idiot governments immediately.
2 years ago by zyxzevn to /s/GrandJury from
6.3 million will be dead within 5 years of their experimental mRNA booster injection and 2.6 million dead within a year of their booster or dead already – 6300,000 Americans within five years
2 months ago by zyxzevn to /s/VaccineSkepticism from
Using Southern Hemisphere data, New report from Denis Rancourt et al. estimates 17 million died following C19 injections – ONE DEATH PER 800 DOSES and that injecting the elderly was NOT a good idea
Remember the “Pfizer documents” that the FDA tried to bury for 75 years but had to release in batches of tens of thousands a month? Now we have 15,000 pages of Moderna files
A Compilation of a Few Key Articles that Completely Debunk the Myth of a “Climate Emergency”
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/ClimateSkeptics from
Canada resettles 30,000 Afghanis and more than 200,000 Ukrainians
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/canada from
Developing the #EndPfizer theme – “Push back on them” - engage in a boycott of everything to do with lethal Pfizer racketeering by its "28,000 mobsters"
Dr McCullough’s 17 minute testimony to the EU Parliament yesterday - brilliant and tragic
An even worse interpretation of the impact on male life expectancy from annual C19 mRNA injections - a 30 year old man taking annual C19 injections will take just 14, because he will be dead
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/NoNewNormal from
Tony Heller strikes again! He demonstrates the false and misleading cherry picking of data by the likes of the UN IPCC and other “Green” party chicken littles – like Al Gore
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/CorruptScience from
Lest we forget: this is the US impact of C19 injections on C19 - injection deaths with C19 present were categorized as C19 deaths.
Massive media push to promote bird flu as the next pandemic – oh, and there’s a vaxx for that
Is Davos the new Epstein island?
2 years ago by zyxzevn to /s/NoNewNormal from
The C19 mRNA injection racket that has now launched a thousand law suits - maybe you too can use these lawsuits as a basis to sue
Without a single vote from the EU electorate, the EU Commission President, Ursula von der “brain fog” Leyen plans to remove 3 million workers In the EU’s vehicle manufacturing industry
1 day ago by zyxzevn to /s/Europe from
Exploding German electric buses, “Green” buses in Oslo can’t run in the cold
An unredacted version of the EU contract with Pfizer/BioNTech has been available since April 2021 – the EU Commission’s redacted version is a distraction - all countries will have similar contracts
C19 - Truth, Reconciliation, Reparations and Cures
Ed Dowd is out with some more research on trends in disabilities – it s not good (522% increase in hematological, a lot above 100% increase)
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/VaccineInjuries from
One chart – see if you can spot the introduction of C19 injections in Germany
A thought – how many “null” responses were there on V-Safe – and were they cross-checked with death records? Did 10,000 of the 10 million V-Safe subscribers die?
Denis Rancourt – there was no C19 respiratory disease, hospital protocols killed people, withholding anti-biotics from the poor killed people – 13 million dead globally, 330,000 in the US
Dr Willie Soon of CERES debunks the “global warming” assumptions of the UN IPCC - They turn everything into a cartoon … all of it is not even close to the truth, it’s a joke”
"Trust the Science?" The Science says literally millions of people died from the covid jab. Trust it.
1 year ago by iamonlyoneman to /s/Medicine from
Obama (in 2005 As Senator) and Soros funded Ukraine bio labs?