Colin then admitted to having firearms in the home that were used for hunting but his son was only allowed to use them under supervision.(newschannel9.com)
8 points7 points9 points10 points submitted by Cancelthis to /s/ParentalRights
Channel 9 milks fatal Monday morning car crash for ratings(newschannel9.com)
5 points4 points6 points7 points submitted by IkeConn to /s/Chattanooga
Coty Wamp expects you to vote her in as district attorney because of her daddy(newschannel9.com)
6 points5 points7 points8 points submitted by IkeConn to /s/Chattanooga
Failing Riverbend Festival and Money Pit Tivoli get federal relief money to boost lineups and pay off executive staff(newschannel9.com)
5 points4 points6 points7 points submitted by IkeConn to /s/Chattanooga
Tennessee school district can't push religion on students: Federal court injunction. The school was sued by two atheist families. Thanks to this ruling, the school can no longer incorporate prayer at school events or allow the distribution of bibles in class.(newschannel9.com)
6 points5 points7 points8 points submitted by Atheism_Bot to /s/atheism