viewing revision from 4 years ago





SaidIt General Information


to, a community focused on respectful debate and offering a variety of perspectives.

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is

A: SaidIt is a Reddit-style news-aggregating ranking-forum website started in 2017 for users to share news, articles, videos, images, and text. SaidIt has a self-declared nonpartisan bias and lean for uncensored anti-corruption news and content. SaidIt is a safe haven for civilized free speech and elevated discussions on all ideas, taboo or not.article


Q: Who runs this site?

A: magnora7 and d3rr started and admin according to the Debate Pyramid policies.


Q: How do votes work?

A: 'Insightful' votes earn +2 and 'Fun' votes earn +1. Add both for the Points score which determines the post or comment ranking.


Q: What is allowed and what is not permitted?

A: is for open civilized discourse and free speech with very few rules:

  1. By the Terms And Content Policy, "If a person is caught repeatedly dragging discussion in a downward direction on the Pyramid of Debate, they will be removed."
  2. No pornography. It's too much trouble to monitor and there's no shortage elsewhere.
  3. No vending of illegal weapons, illegal drugs, and stolen goods, nor discussion about, nor links leading to sales of illegal things according to US law.
  4. No astroturfing or artificial amplification of your free speech voice. For example, do not upvote yourself or others using alternate usernames or sock-puppet accounts.
  5. Moderators may not remove nor censor good-faith and on-topic posts or comments.


Q: May I create a sub?

A: After your account is 2 weeks old a "create your own sub" button will appear. Thereafter you may create 1 sub per week. (Please capitalize proper titles.)

Q: How many subsaidits may I moderate?

A: Unlimited. Moderator activity is 100% transparent in mod logs. Abuses of power will be dealt with so be fair to enjoy free speech. In your subs' sidebox you may list sub rules to add to the site wide rules above.

Q: How long can my subsaidit's sidebox description be?

A: In the sub settings the sidebar field allows 5,179 characters maximum. This includes non-visible code and links.


Q: May I feature my /s/subscribed subs on my home page?

A: Yes, your home page is configurable with setting 'home page' in your preferences.


Q: May I unsubscribe from all of these subs and do it the old way?

A: Yes, use 'unsubscribe from all subs' in preferences.

Q: Why can't I subscribe/unsubscribe or see the button?

A: Some ad-blockers don't like the "subscribe" CSS class on the button or something. (ie. ABP, Adblock Plus, etc.) The issue is on the GitHub list of things to address.


Q: Why can't I edit the wiki page?

A: Likely it's mod-only or you haven't been here 100 days.

Long Answer : Every sub moderator may pick 1 of 3 options to 1) disable the wiki for all users except mods [default], 2) allow only mod-approved wiki contributors, or 3) anyone who can submit to the sub may edit. And the mods may set two more wiki-related fields: 4) Sub karma required to edit and create wiki pages: [default 100], and 5) Account age (days) required to edit and create wiki pages: [default 0].


Q: Chat says "authentication failed"?

A: Refresh the web page.

Q: Chat says "not connected"?

A: Re-connect to the IRC server by sending "/connect". Repeat if necessary.


Q: May I build or port another app, or use the SaidIt API?

A: Yes, see the SaidIt app development guidelines. (Also, you may modify CSS and apply your own subsaidit themes. For more, see: /s/SaiditCSSthemes/)

Apps & Clients




  • SaidIt/Reddit open-source social news aggregator forked from open-source Reddit code, running this website and the API. git source (official)
  • Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) : builds, git source (official)
    • WARNING: stomps your RES for Reddit settings
  • - mobile theme
  • - old minimal Reddit-style (trivia only, not supported)
  • RSS feeds - available for most pages
  • JSON data - available for most pages

SaidIt app development guidelines

Wiki List

This is the MASTER WIKI LIST / site-map, alphabetically:

SaidIt Wiki Subpages

Freely improve these wiki pages (alphabetical):

User's Wiki Pages

Please do not edit these wiki pages (alphabetical):

These miscellaneous wiki subpages (not to be confused with subsaidit wiki pages) may technically be open and editable but please do not edit them unless invited to freely improve. For personal pages, please use your user name. For pages on speficic topics please use a clearly understood short name. To start a new page edit this wiki page, duplicate the BlankExample above and uniquely modify the dupilcate title and "save page", then click on the new title to go to the new starting page.

revision by JasonCarswell— view source