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Iran said it won’t try to kill Trump... Now THAT'S Reassuring!
2 months ago by passionflounder to /s/whatever from
Clickbait: The Dangers of Mining for Tourists and the Need for more Environmentally Friendly ways to Satisfy Demand.
3 months ago by passionflounder to /s/whatever from
Good News! Intelligence Experts Assure us that our Elections are Secure. We know this Because Honest and Fair Media Never Lies.
3 months ago by passionflounder to /s/politics from
Disclaimer: *This is 100% Click Bait* Frustrated Furry finds Love while Working with the Elderly
4 months ago by passionflounder to /s/whatever from
FIRE - Another egg farm loses 100,000 hens in Connecticut. In the news, no possible cause of the fire is given.
11 months ago by In-the-clouds to /s/news from
Headline: "Pedestrian killed after being hit by car in New Milford"... Does this mean the person was offed like a wounded animal?
1 year ago by passionflounder to /s/whatever from
Cargo ship carrying Lithium EV batteries caughed fire. It is currently docked 2 miles off Alaskan coast.
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/USnews from
Transgender people can be baptized and serve as godparents: Vatican How Long must the Catholic Curch Suffer before a Tranny is Made Pope?
West Virginia forward Akok Akok hospitalized, stable after collapsing from a confirmed case of "definitely not the vaccine"
The First Rule in Fear-Journalism is to Create New, Scary Terms and Phrases in Relaying Information.
1 year ago by passionflounder to /s/politics from
Coast Guard Violates the Rights of a Man who Identifies as a Sea Hamster
You are Mandated to be very, very Afraid!
Covid Cases are Ticking Up. But it’s not Time to panic, Experts say. However, it IS Time to start Worrying because it WILL be time to Panic soon enough. Stay Tuned.
Governor Lamont proclaimed Aug. 11 as ’50 Cent Day.’ (That would be 29 Cent Day After Taxes).
Teen gets Crash Course in Driving and Converts Vacant Store into Drive-Thru
TheExperts® Assure us that Young Athletes Experiencing Heart Attacks has Nothing to do with the Safe and Effective Vaccines Because they are Safe and Effective.
Man Dead After Tesla Collides With 9 Vehicles in New Haven
Juxtapose This with Deaths and Injuries from Pfizer's Government-Coerced Injections. Government Action is Warranted when only Two (2) People Killed- as long as Pfizer isn't Responsible
How to Talk to Children About Climate Change- Do-It-Yourself Propaganda for Today's Busy Ideologue