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Scientific American's Nine COVID-19 Myths That Just Won't Go Away
8 months ago by zyxzevn to /s/CorruptScience from
Nate Silver Vs. Professor Van Der Linden: American Statistician Vs Cambridge Professor | Nate Silver Has a Common Sense Argument With an Anti-Misinformation Missionary.
1 year ago by stickdog to /s/WayOfTheBern from
The Antarctic Expedition That Showed Lockdowns Would Never Work
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/NoNewNormal from
Propaganda is the Executive Arm of the Invisible Government | Some examples in the media over the past week
Large Cohort Study Finds Covid-19 Vaccination Linked to Unexpected Vaginal Bleeding | Conspiracies coming true is getting boring now. Who allowed Nature to publish something by right wing, tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists!?
Murdoch Says the Media is in Cahoots With Elites on Same Day as the UK Government Goes Full Orwellian | Dame Dinenage MP goes on a writing spree to ban Russell Brand.
A picture of the Empire State Building lit up in Pfizer blue to promote the "new & improved" boosters is worth a thousand words. Nothing screams "cult" more than an iconic skyscraper being lit up in corporate colors to celebrate a product launch.
Lancet Study Shows Boosters Increase Chance of Getting Covid And Natural Immunity is Superior | Qatar study shows that booster effectiveness was virtually non-existent by February 2022 and into negative territory by April 2022. It has stayed negative ever since then.
More Stick, Less Carrot - Prison For Not Complying With Energy Rules?
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/ClimateSkeptics from
Universe 25 & The Collapse of Populations | A Dr. John Calhoun Experiment
Chief Nudger, David Halpern, says UK has been drilled to accept a future lockdown
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/GrandJury from
15 Signs That You Might Be In An Abusive Relationship...
The Elite$ Want You Poorer | Martin Wolf wants to engineer a recession
Long Covid or Long Mask?
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/FuckMasks from
Excess Deaths, Vaccine Deaths & IgG4-Induced Suppression of the Immune System
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/VaccineSkepticism from
Bill Gates and the WHO want a Global Health Emergency Corps
Take the Jab and Live Forever! (the jab kills but this is counted as "not vaxxed")
1 year ago by zyxzevn to /s/CorruptScience from
mRNA killing umbilical cord embryonic stem cells needed to repair damage and develop babies' immune systems
2 years ago by zyxzevn to /s/VaccineInjuries from
Science magazine finally catches up with the Science 2 years later
2 years ago by zyxzevn to /s/NoNewNormal from
Why Anger towards the Unvaccinated was Intentional Psychological Manipulation