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Orcas have sunk 3 boats in Europe and appear to be teaching others to do the same. Scientists think a traumatized orca initiated the assault on boats after a "critical moment of agony" and that the behavior is spreading among the population through social learning.
1 year ago by neolib to /s/offbeat from
'Virgin birth' recorded in crocodile for 1st time ever - The American crocodile had been isolated in a reptile park enclosure for 16 years when she laid a clutch of eggs.
Microsoft has developed a new artificial intelligence (AI) speech generator that is apparently so convincing it cannot be released to the public.
7 months ago by [deleted] to /s/Artificial_Intelligen from
Natural selection has been acting on hundreds of human genes in the last 3,000 years
1 year ago by jet199 to /s/evolution from
Elephants' giant, hot testicles could stop them getting cancer
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/TIL from
Snakes are built to evolve at incredible speeds, and scientists aren't sure why
11 months ago by ActuallyNot to /s/palaeontology from
NASA accidentally severs contact with Voyager 2 probe 12 billion miles from Earth
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/space from
How Gay Mallard Duck Necrophilia was Discovered
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/science from
Human-Size Blob Drifts by Divers. And It's Packed with Hundreds of Thousands of Baby Squid.
4 years ago by zyxzevn to /s/Biology from
Mysterious particles spewing from Antarctica defy physics
5 years ago by useless_aether to /s/science from
Orcas start wearing dead salmon hats again after ditching the trend for 37 years
2 months ago by Drewski to /s/Nature from
We’re One Step Closer to Finding out Why Siberia Is Riddled With Exploding Craters
4 months ago by Questionable to /s/offbeat from
There's an acidic zone 13,000 feet beneath the ocean surface — and it's getting bigger
6 months ago by Cancelthis to /s/science from
World's largest nuclear fusion reactor is finally completed. But it won't run for another 15 years.
7 months ago by [deleted] to /s/science from
100-foot 'walking tree' in New Zealand looks like an Ent from Lord of the Rings
8 months ago by [deleted] to /s/WorldNews from
CERN proposes $17 billion particle smasher that would be 3 times bigger than the Large Hadron Collider
1 year ago by Drewski to /s/science from
Bird flu wipes out over 95% of southern elephant seal pups in 'catastrophic' mass death - Over 17,000 southern elephant seal pups were found dead on Argentina's Valdés Peninsula in a horrific mass die off attributed to the deadly H5N1 avian influenza virus.
1 year ago by neolib to /s/outbreaks from
10 phallic flora and fauna that look just like penises
1 year ago by [deleted] to /s/Earth from
World's smallest particle accelerator is 54 million times smaller than the Large Hardon Collider, and it works
1 year ago by hfxB0oyA to /s/science from
James Webb telescope sees potential signs of alien life in the atmosphere of a distant 'Goldilocks' water world
1 year ago by Zapped to /s/science from
Mars is spinning faster, and scientists aren't sure why: "...the Red Planet's spin is accelerating at a rate of 4 milliarcseconds — one one-thousandth of an arcsecond, a unit of angularity — per year. As a result, the length of a Martian day is getting shorter by fractions of a millisecond annually"
1 year ago by neolib to /s/space from
Gold and silver treasures discovered with 'elite craftspeople' burials near powerful Wari queen's tomb
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/Archeology from
A week after a quiet admission from the NASA went unnoticed, reporters caught on that a “micrometeoroid” caused “significant uncorrectable damage” to America’s celebrated $10 billion Webb Telescope. The Hubble was notorious for being an endlessly orbiting symbol of American decline. But the Webb?
2 years ago by Chipit to /s/space from
Physicists just rewrote a foundational rule for nuclear fusion reactors that could unleash twice the power
Parasite that controls cat minds may infect billions of people. The clue is in their eyes
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Health from
Microbes In The Sky
3 years ago by Zapped to /s/science from
Peculiar parasitic fungi discovered growing out of the rectum of a 50 million-year-old fossilized ant
3 years ago by [deleted] to /s/science from
Bye, Bye, Playboy Bunnies: 5 Ways Porn Affects the Brain
4 years ago by yishengqingwa666 to /s/antipornography from
Physicists discover 'ghost particle' 100 times more energetic than ever seen before
5 days ago by P-38lightning to /s/science from
Astronomers discover 'Quipu', the single largest structure in the known universe
8 days ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
Just a fraction of the hydrogen hidden beneath Earth's surface could power Earth for 200 years, scientists find. Trillions of tons of hydrogen gas are likely buried in rocks & reservoirs beneath Earth's surface.
2 months ago by Chop_Chop to /s/Hydrogen from
'An existential threat affecting billions': Three-quarters of Earth's land became permanently drier in last 3 decades
2 months ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
Phone Screens are assaulting our Stone Age brains with more information than we can handle
Chinese scientists claim they have built a Death Star-inspired beam weapon
Indian Ocean gravity hole: The dent in Earth's gravitational field created by the death of an ancient ocean
Large language models not fit for real-world use, scientists warn — even slight changes cause their world models to collapse
3 months ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
4 months ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
Climate change may allow the Earth’s oldest, tiniest creatures to dominate — and that's seriously bad news
6 months ago by ActuallyNot to /s/environment from
NASA spots unexpected X-shaped structures in Earth's upper atmosphere — and scientists are struggling to explain them
7 months ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
'Eyeball' planet spied by James Webb telescope might be habitable
7 months ago by xoenix to /s/science from
The universe may be dominated by particles that move faster than light, new paper suggests
10 months ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
'A big cosmological mystery': Newfound cosmic corkscrew defies our understanding of the universe | The structure is so large that it defies one of the simplest rules of conventional cosmology.
1 year ago by stickdog to /s/WayOfTheBern from
'Doubly magic' form of oxygen may challenge a fundamental law of physics
1 year ago by ZephirAWT to /s/ScienceUncensored from
Scientists in China find mysterious virus at the bottom of the Mariana Trench: "The virus, called vB_HmeY_H4907, was found at a depth of 29,199 feet... The virus is a bacteriophage — a type of lifeform that infects bacteria before hijacking their cellular machinery to generate more copies of itself"
1 year ago by neolib to /s/science from
Bizarre giant viruses with tubular tentacles and star-like shells discovered in New England forest - Giant viruses are much more diverse in shape and size than scientists previously thought, according to a new study.
Late Cretaceous Monotreme tooth, and part of jaw found ... In South America.
1 year ago by ActuallyNot to /s/palaeontology from
Human skulls are pierced with coffin nails and human bones are turned into Ouija board pieces; almost nothing is off-limits in the U.K.'s thriving online human remains trade
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Internet from
Bad Blood? Why Transfusions from Women May Be Risky for Men
Weak G1 geomagnetic storm called 'Canyon of fire' will slam into Earth today or tomorrow
2,100-year-old farmstead in Israel found 'frozen in time' after owners disappeared
30 of the world's most valuable treasures that are still missing
2 years ago by One_Jack_Move to /s/whatever from
Largest known cave art images in US by Indigenous Americans discovered in Alabama
Mysterious ceramic jars may actually be 900-year-old Crusader hand grenades
Dozens of unexplained cases of liver inflammation seen in UK children
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/news from
China's $1 trillion 'artificial sun' fusion reactor just got five times hotter than the sun
Largest objects ever get cooled down to their ‘quantum limit’
3 years ago by killerjavi98 to /s/science from
DARPA takes step toward 'holy grail of encryption'
3 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Security from
Earth's magnetic field flipped 42,000 years ago, creating a climate 'disaster'
4 years ago by DoktorOmni to /s/PoleShit from
Massive ancient temple complex may lurk beneath famous Northern Ireland fort
4 years ago by dippydap to /s/Archeology from
Hitchcockian Crows Spread the Word About Unkind Humans
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/science from
The moon is 85 million years younger than previously thought
4 years ago by runtis to /s/science from
Lumpy flint figurines may be some of the earliest depictions of real people
Gold from Bacteria
4 years ago by Questionable to /s/science from
Why we must resist all forms of surveillance and maintain our entanglements free from tyrannical influences and interpretations
5 years ago by useless_aether to /s/privacy from
3,300 Year Old Divination Shrines Discovered in Armenia
5 years ago by Kangbanger to /s/AncientHistory from