Skittles and the Mystery of the Upside Down Rainbow - It's All Been Solved!(lightinthedarkplace.com)
5 points4 points6 points7 points submitted by thelight to /s/offbeat
The Simpsons, Witchcraft, and the Statue of Liberty Qliphoth - This is Spiritual Truth Uncovered like Never Before(lightinthedarkplace.com)
3 points2 points4 points5 points submitted by thelight to /s/Television
According to the Bible: What’s Satan’s Goal vs. Jesus’ Mission? How Do You Win This War(lightinthedarkplace.com)
5 points4 points6 points7 points submitted by thelight to /s/Christianity
U.S. Army Releases Creepy Recruitment Video ‘PSYWAR’(lightinthedarkplace.com)
6 points5 points7 points8 points submitted by thelight to /s/conspiracy
One Eye Is Connected To The Worm Of An Insect Hive – This Explains It All!(lightinthedarkplace.com)
4 points3 points5 points6 points submitted by thelight to /s/paranormal