The day the media decided militant jihadism was respectable(
Jonathan Cook: At what point are we permitted to...?(
Starmer's purges of Labour have mutated into the arrest of Palestine supporters(
Jonathan Cook: Why the media have failed Gaza(
The Antisemitism Industry doesn't speak for Jews. It speaks for western elites(
Gaza is paying the ultimate price for decades of media pandering to Zionist bigotry(
Jonathan Cook: Why is the real story of October 7 off-limits to western, but not Israeli, media? Israeli army 'ethics' chief says crimes committed by soldiers against Israel's own civilians are 'horrifying'. How is this not newsworthy for British journalists?(
Jonathan Cook: The media's Nord Stream lies just keep coming | Why do billionaires and governments scramble to control the media? Because the power over our minds is the greatest power there i(
Jonathan Cook: Starmer’s Gaza stance has unmasked British democracy as a sham(
Jonathan Cook: The West's hypocrisy towards Gaza's breakout is stomach-turning | There will be little sympathy in the West as, yet again, besieged Palestinians are bombed by Israel, their immense suffering justified by the term 'Israeli retaliation'(
Jonathan Cook: We're rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Don't ask me to help out | Highlighting the climate crisis is not 'alarmism', as critics say. Big Business wants an exclusive focus on climate because it downplays the true reasons for alarm(
Jonathan Cook: Once again, the FDA admits it lied to us, this time about ivermectin. And once more, we yawn. | On critical matters, our medical authorities have no interest in settling the science. Instead, battles are won in the arena of smear and insinuation.(
Jonathan Cook: Why action on the climate crisis is all hot air | Capitalism's endless growth paradigm can't be squared with sustainability. But no one – from politicians to the protest movement – is willing to admit the truth.(
Jonathan Cook: Across the West, people are dying in greater numbers. Nobody wants to learn why | There's only one plausible explanation for continuing silence on excess deaths: governments, media and regulators are frightened of what research may uncover(
Jonathan Cook: Weaponised antisemitism crushed the political left. Now it’s the cultural left’s turn | Having dispatched Corbyn, the smear industry is targeting icons like Ken Loach and Roger Waters over their support for Palestinian rights and opposition to Nato’s war machine(
Jonathan Cook: Another act of terror. How the media do PR for Biden and Zelensky | Coverage of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam and Nord Stream pipelines shows a western media willing to prioritise anti-Russian propaganda over facts(