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US Secretary of State Blinken Says His Dad Was Sent to the Gas Chambers… Twice
1 year ago by Oyveygoyim to /s/funny from
The Most Disgusting Country In All Of Europe
2 years ago by Entropick to /s/entropick from
From October 1, German streets will be patrolled by the military to prevent riots
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/Europe from
“It’s A Trap” – They Are Making Frances Haugen Into A Superstar For A Reason. they want is for Congress to set up regulatory agencies that they would control that would force Facebook and other social media companies to censor independent thinkers like us.
3 years ago by Budget-song-budget to /s/WayOfTheBern from
Revealed: Democrats hiding $50,000/year journalist tax credit in “infrastructure” bill
Government secretly orders Google to track anyone searching certain names, addresses, and phone numbers
Soros is at it Again Lobbying for $3.5 Trillion Spending Spree ....funding the Democrats to try to push this $3.5 trillion spending program through & groups to oppose the Secretary of the Treasury objecting to this agenda. As a trader he knows ...this will undermine the US $ & the US economy
What’s happening on October 15? There’s many mandates that come into effect all over the world on that very same date
Median-Income Buyers Priced Out Of Housing Market With Fed Stimulus (Why Won’t The Fed Stop?)
Pfizer’s New ‘daily pill’ is Ivermectin
3 years ago by Birdynomnoms to /s/Ivermectin from
How Russian Citizens Crushed Moscow’s Vaccine Passports in Just 3 Weeks
3 years ago by killerjavi98 to /s/WorldNews from
Tokyo’s Medical Assoc. Chairman holds press conference recommending Ivermectin to all COVID patients
3 years ago by scrubking to /s/Coronavirus from
A Glimpse Into the Future: Fully Vaccinated Iceland Now Discussing 15 Year Coronavirus Restrictions Plan
3 years ago by JasonCarswell to /s/LockdownSkepticism from
USA Today / NBC News: “New data suggests vaccinated individuals could have higher levels of virus and infect others”
3 years ago by JasonCarswell to /s/VaccineSkepticism from
Health Freedom Is The Hottest Political Issue On The Entire Globe, And Our World Will Never Be The Same After This
3 years ago by JasonCarswell to /s/Tyranny from
3 years ago by JasonCarswell to /s/Health from
Vaccinated employees of California city required to wear stickers if they want to work without masks
3 years ago by JasonCarswell to /s/FuckMasks from
Biden Press Sec calls for users banned on one social platform to be banned from ALL social platforms
3 years ago by scrubking to /s/politics from
Leaked documents from Iowa School says the word MAGA is racism and hate
3 years ago by JasonCarswell to /s/Race_DivisionByElites from
Prepare for The Biggest Market Collapse in The History of Trading — The Greatest Crash of All Time
3 years ago by JasonCarswell to /s/economics from
True History of the 1929 Market Crash & New Deal
4 years ago by Veritas__Aequitas to /s/history from
94% of 113,130 ballots were adjudicated (“questionable”) in Fulton County, Georgia. 73% of the vote there ended up going to Biden, hrm, I wonder why?
4 years ago by christnmusicreleases to /s/politics from
Mainstream media “scientists” threaten punishment for refusers of coronavirus vaccines, regardless of their safety
4 years ago by Orangutan to /s/Health from
The Chinese Communist Party endorses the Democrat Party.
4 years ago by useless_aether to /s/WorldPolitics from
In a massive breach of privacy, Google releases mobile phone location data to "help" authorities
4 years ago by useless_aether to /s/privacy from
Trump Restores RIGHT TO PRAY In Public Schools
5 years ago by useless_aether to /s/Religion from
Watchdog Group Finds 2.5 Million Ineligible Democrat Voters. Why Do The Dead Always Vote Democrat?
5 years ago by Penelope to /s/politics from
Professor who recently testified Google was involved in election meddling - His wife was just killed in car wreck - Fears for His Life: TWEETS to Google and Hillary, 'I AM STILL NOT SUICIDAL'
5 years ago by useless_aether to /s/Crime from
The War on the family has been going on for decades. The US is today the country with the most single mothers in the world. But a small shift in culture can change everything.
5 years ago by useless_aether to /s/Sociology from
Reddit is currently putting in new algorithms designed to ghost users. They will post and see their posts. But the posts will never be seen sorting by r/new or any other sorting method. They are ghosting entire subreddits right now. The algorithm is live.
5 years ago by salvia_d to /s/conspiracy from
5 years ago by salvia_d to /s/WorldPolitics from
WaPo Changes al-Baghdadi Headline After Getting Ripped for Referring to Terror Leader as ‘Austere Religious Scholar’
5 years ago by useless_aether to /s/MediaAnalysis from
PSA: Estimated 500,000 to 3 MILLION lives are saved annually through the defensive use of firearms. This study was commissioned by OBAMA.
5 years ago by HeyImSancho to /s/SundogsPlace from
HAPPENING: Seth Rich's parents confirm he leaked the DNC emails YUGE! (Russian hacking debunked)
5 years ago by Tom_Bombadil to /s/conspiracy from
Your Pension May Be Monetized
Orwell’s Worst Nightmare Is Coming True
Ambrosia in the US Has "Youthful Blood as Anti Aging Therapy" For Sale at $8,000 a Liter or Two Liters for $12,000 - Sure it is no different than vampiring young people's blood while their claim the donors are aged between 16 & 25 yrs has a hollow ring in this the day of "post term abortion genocide
6 years ago by Quasiman to /s/MartinTimothy from
89% of US Senators & Members of the House of Representatives Hold Dual Israeli Citizenship, many more dual Israeli citizens have held banking and policy advising positions in successive Presidential administrations - Jews did 911 that's how they have been able to get away with it .. thus far anyway
6 years ago by Dillinger22 to /s/politics from
Poverty getting much worse in America since 2008 – Consumer debt has risen almost 50 percent.
6 years ago by SundogsPlace to /s/SundogsPlace from
LinkedIn co-founder ‘sorry’ for funding fake Russian tweets for Democrats
6 years ago by MojaveCoyote to /s/SundogsPlace from
The Thing The Elites Fear The Most Is Happening
6 years ago by useless_aether to /s/Europe from
Failure on so many levels: Millennials are signing up for “Adulting” classes
Holy Smokes! This is NOT affordable! - 24k a year income. Here’s what is offering. NJ is forcing folks to sign up.
King County passes law requiring gun stores to post signs outlining dangers of owning a gun
Ebola outbreak Congo: ‘WORST in Congo’s history’ 319 cases – 198 dead
Youtube offering 'mental health aids' to youtubers