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The Worst Week Yet: February 19-25, 2023 | Counter-Currents. Because the news should be fun, or at least funny.
1 year ago by Fitter_Happier to /s/debatealtright from
The Worst Week Yet: January 29-February 4, 2023 | Jim Goad, Counter-Currents. Always good for a laugh.
2 years ago by Fitter_Happier to /s/debatealtright from
“Can’t We All Just Get Along?” Hobbes Says, “No.” | Counter-Currents. Very enlightening, to me at least, essay on the nature of conflict.
What Law Enforcement and First Responders Need to Know about White Nationalism | Counter-Currents
VDARE’s 2022 UnCancelled Conference | Counter-Currents.
Ice Cream Machines & Societal Disintegration | Counter-Currents
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/politics from
2 years ago by [deleted] to /s/whatever from
Black Rage on the Brooklyn Subway | Counter-Currents
Stuck Inside of Ukraine with the Congo Blues Again
2 years ago by RuckusChan to /s/Ukraine from
Black History Month Special Black Invention Myths | Counter-Currents
3 years ago by Fitter_Happier to /s/debatealtright from
America is Ready for White Identity Politics | Counter-Currents
Colin Flaherty, RIP | Counter-Currents. A simple approach to red pilling the normies, calm consistent repetition of the facts.
Jim Goad brings the lols, which we desperately need in these trying times. Jussie Smollet roast etc.
The Unwritten Constitution | Counter-Currents. Historically, when an authoritarian regime takes power, the written law tends to cease to be representative of real-life interaction with the state. ...
The Great Replacement | Counter-Currents. Essay on the various actors in history and today involved in snuffing out those pesky White people.
The Worst Week Yet: August 22-28, 2021, Jim Goad. At least we can have a few laughs while we watch the, I mean our, world burn.
The New War on Terror | Counter-Currents.
Whitsuntide: Sacred Fire, Divine Gifts, & the Quest for the Holy Grail | Counter Currents
3 years ago by Jacinda to /s/ChristianRight from
Do White People Exist? | Jim Goad, Counter-Currents.
The Worst Week Yet: April 4-10, 2021 | Counter-Currents / Jim Goad. Time to start sending these to your normie friends, perhaps anonymously disguised as spam.
Racial Whiteness | The civic nationalist vs ethnonationalist debate
3 years ago by Jacinda to /s/debatealtright from
Christianity & White Nationalism | An article at Counter Currents which is worth reading for the comment section alone
Our very own Caspar Von Everec gets published by Counter-Currents - "Will Civilization Collapse?"
3 years ago by cisheteroscum to /s/debatealtright from
Charles Krafft speaking about life as a dissident at a Counter-Currents event on October 13, 2013. Fascinating listen, a mainstream artist discusses coming out as a White Nationalist in public and his experiences.
Solzhenitsyn's 200 Years Together, Part 1 | Counter-Currents. Spencer J. Quinn makes the case that learning Solzhenitsyn's arguments on the JQ will fortify your arsenal.
4 years ago by Fitter_Happier to /s/debatealtright from
The Singles Epidemic | Counter-Currents. Die single and thine image dies with thee.— William Shakespeare, Sonnet III
Sympathy for the Gorilla Glue Girl | Jim Goad, Counter-Currents. Because we all need a good laugh now.
Instauration: Profound Insights for Troubled Times, Part I | Counter-Currents. An expansive review of one of our pre-internet White Nationalist media sources.
Counter-Currents Radio: Horus the Avenger | Great interview with an old timer that I never heard of. e.g. one of the first to coin/popularize White Genocide, Diversity means less Whites people, etc.
Counter-Currents Radio: Millennial Woes | Greg Johnson is once again joined by Millennial Woes to discuss the Capitol occupation, censorship, and your questions
Greg Johnson & Fróði Midjord: Kulchur Lodge Radio | Counter-Currents. The last 1/2 is particularly inspiring. Frodi tells us to buck up, what we face is nothing compared to our ancestors.
Beau Albrecht reviews How to Be an Antiracist | Counter-Currents
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 300 Post-Election Round Table | MP3 of Livestream. Greg Johnson, Jared Taylor, Mark Weber, Sam Dickson, and Jason Kessler. Audience questions.
Counter-Currents Radio will have a post-election livestream with Jared Taylor, Sam Dickson, Jason Kessler, and Mark Weber. Plus a bunch live NOW, Saturday.
Is America a Banana Republic Now? | Counter-Currents
Wignat Whexit: Why "Punishing" the Republicans Won't Change Them | Counter-Currents
The Final Straw | Counter-Currents. Ruminations on the French Revolution and how the violence and purges were predicted ahead of time.
This Weekend's Livestream: Kevin MacDonald & Gregory Hood on the Election | Counter-Currents. LIVE NOW.
A Nation Cannot Live on Basketball & Rape Alone | Counter-Currents. Jim Goad's first article since jumping ship from Taki.
Yes, We Are Headed For Violent Civil War
4 years ago by [deleted] to /s/USnews from
[Fiction] Heltus Skeltus, or Mapstick: A Vonnegutian Fantasy | Counter-Currents
4 years ago by Jacinda to /s/debatealtright from
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 292 Jason Kessler and Greg Johnson
Michaelmas: Of Harvest Festivals & Holy Warriors | Counter-Currents
This Weekend's LivestreamsMillennial Woes & The Writers Bloc | Counter-Currents
Robert Locke, "Japan, Refutation of Neoliberalism" | Counter-Currents
Greg Johnson, "On Potential" | Advice for young men starting out in life from a white nationalist perspective.
Kevin MacDonald and Frodi Midjord on the Immigration Lobby, Guide to Kulchur. Excellent summary of Jews involvement in flooding America with non-Whites and why they did/do it.
It’s Okay to Be White, Greg Johnson
Sunday, July 12, at noon PST, 3 pm EST, 21:00 CET, Greg Johnson will do an Ask Me Anything livestream with special guest Kevin MacDonald on the Counter-Currents DLive channel
This Weekend's Livestreams
4 years ago by deAccount to /s/DarkEnlightenment from
The Summer of 2020
The Brief Life and Spectacular Death of Propertarianism
Say His Name
The making of an American Trav
A Long Time Coming
The crisis of parliamentary democracy & our crisis today
Celebrating Charles Ives today on July 4th
implicitly white music | Counter-Currents Publishing
5 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/music from
Skateboarding & White Identity | Counter-Currents Publishing
5 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/AmericaFirst from
Richard Houck, "The War Against Whites in Advertising" | Counter-Currents Publishing
5 years ago by FullBloodedWhiteMale to /s/business from