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Argentina kills rent controls: Supply increases, cost to rent drops. Commies shocked.
1 year ago by Questionable to /s/WorldPolitics from
What Kathleen Stock gets wrong about the Tories, trans and feminism
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/Feminism from
It’s raining men – but that’s no cause for celebration
2 years ago by jet199 to /s/Men from
Today's so-called 'anti-racists' remain blind to anti-Semitism. For these 'anti-racists' Jews are too rich and powerful to be a proper ethnic minority. An entire woke and preachy as hell organisation thought there was nothing wrong with using an overtly Jewish name for its grasping villain.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from
First smoking, now alcohol: for the public health zealots there will always be new dragons to slay. The end result could yet be a ‘Framework Convention on Alcohol Control’, modelled on the existing anti-tobacco treaty.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/WorldNews from
The Kate Clanchy pile-on shows no one is safe from the speech police. Speech policing is a modern attempt to create a woke version of Louis XIV’s courtly etiquette. Telling working-class people what words to use is nothing more than a demand for old-style deference.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/censorship from
Generation Z are angry about all the wrong things - CapX. The A level results are the obvious outcome for a mollycoddled generation. Pampered students rail against capitalism while living off their parents' capital.
The BBC should be ashamed of its whimsical portrayal of British communism. British communism was not purely a fifth column to covertly advance Soviet interests, but it did have an underground apparatus that was deeply engaged in espionage.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/media_criticism from
The WHO is acting like it wants to be defunded – so what are we waiting for? If the World Health Organization wanted to prove beyond doubt that it is no longer fit for purpose, it couldn’t have done a better job than to make the announcements it has made this week.
As Europe struggles, the Brexit doom-mongers are being proven wrong. Unfortunately, there is a large element of our media that is simply unable to report “good news” and there is a consistent flow of “knocking copy” that talks down the UK economy.
Rise of the Zombies: how low rates and state intervention are dragging Europe down. Covid has created another pretext for billions of euros to be spent on zombies. Zombie companies are in limbo: unproductive, but kept on life-support by low interest rates.
Putin has weaponised Western wokery – and Amnesty has been fooled. By giving credence to a carefully orchestrated campaign, Amnesty is letting the Kremlin draw the veil of past intolerance across Navalny’s present heroism.
If you're an ethnic minority Conservative, you just can't win. The idea that you are not “really” black if you have certain views, and that departing from those views makes you a ‘traitor’, is straight up racism that harks back to the Victorian era.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/politics from
Revenge of the Normies – is it time to take back control from the cognitive elite? Goodhart is not alone in noting that overpraising and overpaying brains leads nowhere good. Historians have observed this pattern repeating down the centuries in Chinese history. It was often why dynasties collapsed.
3 years ago by Chipit to /s/books from
The economic failures of socialism never had anything to do with a lack of democracy. To claim the Soviet economy failed because the Soviet Union was a dictatorship is as laughable as it is wrong. Adding the word 'democracy' to socialism doesn't magically make it work.
4 years ago by Chipit to /s/OpinionPieces from