The language of Sayers, including abbreviations, memes, shorthand, and culture (including Reddit residue).
Abbreviations (alphabetical)
cst = critical shower thoughts (also critical thoughts or shower thoughts), deep insights, pontifications, reflections, and ideas that stick in your head like peanut butter to the top of your mouth
eift = enough Internet for today
fomo = fear of missing out
fwiw = for what it's worth
imho = in my humble opinion
imo = in my opinion
SaidItese = a shorthand language of SaidIt.net (like legalese is for legal speak)
subsaidit = a category, channel, classification, community, feed, sub, thread,
til = today I learned
wpd = watch people die, subsaidit of videos of people dieing
wps = watch people survive, subsaidit of videos of people surviving close calls
wtf = what the fuck
revision by JasonCarswell— view source