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Teen hospitalized after being misidentified as suspect by federal agent - agents apparently fired stun grenades at an innocent man from an unmarked moving vehicle
5 years ago by magnora7 to /s/PoliceMisconduct from
From temporary to permanent: small businesses begin to close in Phoenix due to COVID-19 pandemic
4 years ago by codedtestament to /s/WorldNews from
Witches are going to hex Kavanaugh tonight while an exorcist tries to protect him with mass
6 years ago by Vigte to /s/news from
Tempe officer lauded for DUI work arrested for DUI
6 months ago by Drewski to /s/PoliceMisconduct from
Lefties all butt hurt after growing calls for 'civil war' in far-right groups after FBI search
2 years ago by IkeConn to /s/ButtHurt from
"Crazy Times Carnival" this week in Phoenix, AZ- High risk of violence?
3 years ago by PatsyStone to /s/conspiracy from
Popular Arizona State University Professor Junseok Chae brutally murdered in an apparent carjacking[Non-Asians are more important than you.-AI mods.]
4 years ago by FuckRedditPolice to /s/IdentityAsian from
PD: Woman goes through McDonald's drive through, takes food
5 years ago by SecretlyHistoric to /s/news from
PD: Arsonist who burned California mosque referred to New Zealand attack in graffiti
5 years ago by cmdrrockawesome to /s/California from